First, find out if the article is already available in a database.
Search the Journals & Magazines A-Z List and determine if we have online access to the journal.
Note: you can search alphabetically by selecting the letter the title begins with or by typing the title into the
search bar. Note: The button is below the article’s subject tags.
I can’t find the article in full-text in a database. Now what do I do?
When you find a citation in one of the databases and there is no full text option, click on the "Request via Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)" link (circled in red below). When you click on the link, all the citation
information will be filled in for you and you simply have to submit the request.

The Full Text Finder page shows the article is available, but it isn't. What do I do?
Go to the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery system and fill out an article request. Be sure to add a note that the Full Text Finder holdings are incorrect. If this is your first time using the system click on the “First Time Users” link to create an ILL account.
Now that I’ve requested an article when and how will it arrive?
- We will always request an article on your behalf but do not guarantee that we'll find another library which is willing to supply us with a copy.
- If we find a lending library, it takes an average of 2-3 business days (excluding weekends and U.S. holidays) for the copy of the article to arrive. Most lending libraries send us a digital copy of the article which is delivered to your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad).
We will contact you at the e-mail address you submitted when you created your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad) when the article is either available for you to view or if we cannot find a lender. You may also log into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad) to view the status of your request(s) at any time.
Rick Kaeser
Interlibrary Loan Coordinator