I am in St. Louis. How do I request a book?


Request a book - St. Louis area patrons

Use the library catalog to see if the book is available from Webster University Library, Luhr Reading and Reference Library or any other MOBIUS library.

If the book is located at Webster University Library...

  1. Make sure that the word AVAILABLE appears in the STATUS field. If anything else appears in that field then the book is not available for checkout.
  2. If the book is AVAILABLE and it is located at the Webster University Library, write down the LOCATION and CALL NO., pull it from the shelves, and bring it down to the first-floor service desk where we will check it out to you. We’ll need to see either your Webster issued photo ID card or any other photo ID card to check out library materials.

If you want to do a vestibule pickup.

  1. If the book is AVAILABLE you can request it by pressing the "Place a hold" button at the top of the page.
  2. If prompted, log in with your Webster SSO information. Select EWL Webster University for the Choose Pick up Location.
  3. We will process your request within 2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). 
  4. You can check the status of your order, and renew your books online at My library account.
  5. COVID-19 Update:  Any and all ILL books which we successfully obtain for you will be checked out to you and placed in the 1st floor Vestibule with your initials. We will send a pickup notice to your Webster University email account.  

If the book's location is either Eden Sem. Storage or Eden Sem. Stored do the following:

  1. Make sure that the word AVAILABLE appears in the status field. If anything else appears in that field then the book is not available for checkout.
  2. You cannot retrieve these books from a shelf. You MUST submit a request via the catalog by clicking the "Place a hold" button at the top of the page.
  3. If prompted to sign in, log in with your Webster SSO login information. Select EWL Webster University Library as your pickup location. Enter a Cancel if not filled by date at least one week in the future.
  4. We receive a pickup and delivery of books from the Eden on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, if you place your request on Sunday, it won’t arrive until Tuesday afternoon and so on.  When the book is ready for you to pick up from the Webster University Library first floor service desk the system generates a ready for pickup notice which is sent to the Connections e-mail account for Webster University users and the Eden Theological Seminary e-mail account for Eden Theological Seminary users. You can also check the status of your order online by visiting library.webster.edu and clicking the My library account link at the top of the page.

If we do not own the book or it is not AVAILABLE, check MOBIUS...

  1. Search the MOBIUS Union Catalog for the book.
  2. When you find the book you need make sure that the word AVAILABLE appears in the status field. If anything else appears in that field then the book is not available for checkout.  If it is available, select REQUEST THIS ITEM.
  3. You are part of the BRIDGES cluster (All Webster and Eden students, faculty, and staff are affiliated with this cluster).
  4. Enter your last name and either your Webster faculty/student/staff number followed by the letters EWL, or the barcode from your Eden I.D. card followed by the letters EWL. Select the pickup cluster and pickup location. (If you want to pick it up at Webster University Library enter BRIDGES and Webster Univ. Emerson Library)

When the requested book arrives, usually within 3 to 4 business days (excluding weekends and US holidays) the system generates a ready for pickup notice which is sent to the Connections e-mail account for Webster University users and the Eden Theological Seminary e-mail account for Eden Theological Seminary users. You can also check the status of your order online by visiting http://library.webster.edu and clicking the My library account link at the top of the page.

If the book for which you're searching isn't available from Webster University Library, the Luhr Reading and Reference Library, or any other MOBIUS library we can still help...

  1. Log into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad).   
  2. Click the "Request a Book" link on the left side of the screen and enter as much information into the form as possible.

If we find a lending library which will lend us a copy of the book, it will take an average of 10 working days (excluding weekends and US holidays) for the book to arrive at Webster University Library. When the book arrives we will notify you via the e-mail you submitted when you first logged into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad).   You may also log into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad) at any time in order to check on the status of your request(s). The lending library sets the due date so the circulation period will vary from library to library.

If we are unable to fill your request we will notify you via the e-mail you submitted when you first logged into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad). You may also log into your Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery account (ILLiad) at any time in order to check on the status of your request(s).



Rick Kaeser

  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2024
  • Views 1879
  • Answered By Rick Kaeser

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