Can a database help me to create a citation for an article?


Many of the library's databases include a cite tool. From an EBSCOhost database search results list, select an article title and look for the tools menu. In other databases (e.g. Proquest, Sage, etc.) the citation tool might be found under the double quotations " " link. 

Please note: It is necessary to check these citations for to make sure they are formatted according to the citation style you are using and to ensure that they are complete. For more, see the FAQ, Where do I find citation information?, linked below. 

Select the file below for a handout on how to use database tools to create folders to organize your research articles, to automatically generate citations in APA, MLA, and other styles, and to capture permalinks to database content. While this document uses examples from EBSCOhost, many library databases offer similar tools.

  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2024
  • Views 127
  • Answered By Mary Anne Erwin

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