How do I search multiple databases?


You can often search more than one database, if they are from the same company. The three companies that provide most of our library databases are: EBSCOhost, Gale, and ProQuest. Each has a way to search more than one database at a time. You can only search two databases from different companies at the same time through searching all of them at the same time through the Quick Search bar on the library homepage. From there you can narrow to the specific databases you would like to search by choosing "Databases" from the limiters on the left panel.

Here is how to add databases to your search if you are using an EBSCOhost database.

1. Click on Choose Databases next to the database name.

2. A large menu of all the databases we subscribe to from this company will pop up.

3. Select the databases relevant to your search by checking the boxes. You can get descriptions by clicking the > (greater than symbol) next to a database's title.

EBSCOhost search box

EBSCOhost's Choose Databases list

EBSCOhost's Choose Databases list with detailed description example of a database


To search multiple Gale databases, choose the "Gale Power Search" database from the Databases A - Z list. From there you can choose from the Gale databases available.


For ProQuest, from any ProQuest Database (you can choose any one as a starting point from the Databases A - Z list) click on the three lines in the top left corner.

Then choose "Change databases" from the menu.

From there you can choose what databases to search, hitting the "Use Selected Databases" button when you are ready to search.

  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2025
  • Views 260
  • Answered By Marian the Librarian

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