How do I find a thesis or dissertation?


Any theses or dissertations owned by Webster University and Eden Theological Seminary will be found in the library catalog. To find a thesis or dissertation on a particular subject in the physical collection:

1. Go to the Library Catalog.

2.Enter a word or phrase in the top search box.

3. Press the Submit button to run the search.

4. On the menu on the left, scroll down to "Location" and select either "Webster Theses Lower Level" or "Eden Theses".



To find digital theses and dissertations, use Dissertations & Theses at Webster University, which contains Webster doctoral dissertations and masters level theses submitted summer, 2005 to the present. Webster/Eden faculty, staff, and students may view the full text for free.

Please note: Many Webster graduate degrees do not require students to write a thesis.  If you are interested in seeing theses or dissertations written by students at other institutions, you may search the Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global database.  Some of these records may link to the full-text of the document and some may allow you to preview the first 20+ pages.  If the full-text is not available online, the library may be able to borrow it for you. Contact a Librarian for help. 

  • Last Updated Jan 21, 2025
  • Views 3108
  • Answered By Kaitlyn Erbs

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