How do I find an article when I have the citation?


1. Make sure that you know the title of the journal and the date of publication of the article you want to find. 

2. Search the Journals & Magazines List using the title of the journal to see if the library has the journal and where to find it. For example, if your article appeared in an issue of the Journal of Family Therapy, you would search using the journal title and obtain the following results:

Screenshot of the Journal of family therapy for full text available

3. This tells you that we have the journal both online and in print in St. Louis. Each online and print source informs you of the dates their collection has available in full text for that specific journal. For example, our print collection Webster-Eden Online Periodicals contains full text articles from 01/01/2010 to 12/31/2017, while the databases Academic Search Premier contains full text articles from 02/01/1998 to Present (Full Text delay: 1 year).  and Humanities International Complete and 01/01/1934 to 6 years ago in the databases JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection. NOTE: International Campus students should ask their campus librarian about print journals. 

4. To access an online article, click the link to a database, and then search the database using information from your citations (e.g., year of publication, title of article, author). 

5. If the library does not have the article in print or online, you may request articles. Note that Webster students, faculty, and staff at U.S. extended and international campuses may also request copies of articles that the library has in print but not online.

Alternatively you can go directly to the library's Citation Search form to search for an article using a citation. 

Fill out the form using information from your citation (e.g., year of publication, title of article, author). 

If the library has access to the full-text of the article you will be provided a link to the article. If not, there will be a button that allows you to request the article via Interlibrary Loan. 

  • Last Updated Jan 23, 2025
  • Views 539
  • Answered By Georgiana Grant

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