How do I donate to the library?


If you are interested in purchasing a needed book for the library, or interested in donating money or physical items, please visit the library's Donation page.

Webster University Library only accepts materials from faculty and staff at this time. Webster University Library reserves the right to review offers of material carefully and to decline gifts that fall outside the scope of its collecting policies. As per the Webster University Development Office, gifts will only be accepted with a valuation and title list. All gifts accepted will become the property of Emerson library upon receipt.  Gifts will not be accepted with conditions or restrictions. The library will determine their retention, location, cataloging and processing.  Materials not added to the collection may be exchanged, disposed of, or given to other libraries. Most often, materials not added are given to Better World Books who donates profits to literacy partners. 

For more information, please contact the Gift Coordinator, Heidi Vix, at 314-246-6951 or

If you would like to make a donation to the Archives, please visit the Archives donation page.

  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2024
  • Views 268
  • Answered By Wendy Schlegel

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