What is MOBIUS? How do I request a MOBIUS book?


MOBIUS is a consortium of Missouri (MO) and other state libraries.  Current Webster or Eden students, faculty, or staff members can check the MOBIUS catalog to see if another MOBIUS library owns the book you need. To request a MOBIUS book:

St. Louis area students, faculty, and staff:

1. First check the Webster Library catalog to see if you can get the book from our library.

2. If the book is not available in the Webster catalog, search the MOBIUS catalog to see if another library owns a print copy of the book (MOBIUS does not lend eBooks).

3. If you find the book you want, click the book title to display the full record.

4. You should see the list of MO libraries that own the book. There must be at least one copy with the status of “Available” to request the book. You may take your Webster ID card to a MOBIUS library that has the book and check out from that location, provided that library has access for visiting patrons. You may also have the book delivered by doing the following:

5. Click the "Place a Hold" link next to the title.

6. If you are prompted to login, select MOBIUS-Webster University, Eden Theological Seminary from the library cluster list and click Submit.

7.If further login information is requested, use your Webster email information.

8. Choose a pickup location (e.g., select Webster Univ., Emerson Library to have the book delivered to the Webster U. Library on the home campus.) Click Submit.

9. A message will be sent to your Webster email address when the book is available for pickup at that location (usually 4-5 days excluding holidays and weekends).

--Since COVID-19, the library has new contactless pickup and return polices. Click here to learn more information. 

U.S. extended campus or online students, faculty and staff

Follow the steps above until you get to the pickup location. The follow the steps below depending on whether or not you live in Missouri:

Missouri residents outside of the St. Louis :

--select Webster Univ., US Sites to have the book sent to our library in St. Louis and we’ll then ship it to your address via FedEx (we pay shipping and return charges).

If you live outside of Missouri:

--select Webster Univ., US Sites to have the book sent to our library in St. Louis and we’ll then ship it to your address via FedEx (we pay shipping and return charges).

It takes an average of 4-5 business days (excluding holidays and weekends) for a MOBIUS book to arrive at the Webster University Library in St. Louis.  Then, depending on your location, it will take an additional 3-4 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) for the book to arrive at your home address of record after we ship it.


  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2024
  • Views 1895
  • Answered By Megan Luther

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