Does the library have Webster theses and dissertations in the collection?


Yes, Webster University Library has print copies of theses and dissertations written by Webster University students. They are shelved in the lower level of the library in alphabetical order by the author's last name. Most of these documents cannot be checked out and may only be read in the library. However, sometimes we have a second copy that can be checked out.

We also have a database called Dissertations & Theses at Webster University, which contains Webster doctoral dissertations and masters level theses submitted summer, 2005 to the present. Webster faculty, staff, and students may view the full text for free.

If you are interested in theses or dissertations written by students at other institutions, you may search the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.  Some of these records may link to the full-text of the document and some may allow you to preview the first 20+ pages.  If the full-text is not available online, the library may be able to borrow it for you. Contact a Librarian for help.

Please note: Some Webster graduate degrees do not require students to write a formal thesis. Some require a capstone paper, instead.  See Does the library keep graduate capstone (a.k.a. 6000) papers?


  • Last Updated Jan 23, 2025
  • Views 555
  • Answered By Heidi Vix

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