Can I find my ID number if I don't have my ID card?


You must be a current student, faculty, or staff member to use Webster University Library resources. If your ID is not working after following the steps below, please call the 1st-floor service desk at 314-246-6952 or email

Directions for faculty and staff are at the bottom of this FAQ answer

Directions for Students

  1. Go to the Connections login page at and enter your username and password. (If you are already logged into your email/Office 365, it will automatically take you to the Connections homepage.)
  2. On the Connections homepage, click on the Students header at the top.
  3. Once you are on the Students page, look to the blue area below. Click on the Student Academic Services link, located in the middle column under "Services"
  4. You should now be on a plain-looking page that says, "Welcome to Webster University Academic Services." Click on the Student Academic Services link on this page.
  5. A login pop-up should appear. Go ahead and enter your user name and password, and click "OK"
  6. Once logged in to Student Academic Services, you should see a Student-Info column on the left-hand side. Click on the Biographical link and follow the instructions on the screen. Here you will find your 7-digit ID Number.


Directions for Faculty and Staff

  1. Sign in to your My Webster Dashboard @ ADP using your ADP username and password. 
  2. Select your account icon (usually located in the top right corner of your ADP dashboard) and select Profile.
  3. Your ID number should be in the header near the top of the page. 

Faculty and staff at an international campus who need to know their ID number and who do not use ADP should check with the Payroll or Human Resources staff at their campus.

  • Last Updated Jan 28, 2025
  • Views 33139
  • Answered By Megan Luther

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